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Contaminants and Coronavirus: How Indoor Air Quality Can Affect Health

The very real health concerns over Coronavirus infections have been compounded by shortages of basic foodstuffs and supplies. Here at Celestial Air, we are also very concerned about the indoor air quality during this period when most people are staying indoors for most of the day. This is with respect to the operation and maintenance of HVAC systems.

For guidance regarding the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), please refer to these official resources:

The Center for Disease Control – cdc.gov
The World Health Organization – who.int
New Jersey Department of Health – nj.gov/health

During normal circumstances, we take great care to make sure that your air filters are clean and your air cleaning equipment is functioning efficiently as we perform our regular maintenance on your HVAC system.

With the heightened awareness that the virus has brought on, we are cautioning homeowners and business owners to have a more thorough examination of their system. According to the ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America), “indoor pollutant levels can be as high as 100 times the levels encountered outside.”

Covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing is a good way to keep the respiratory droplets which transmit the Coronavirus disease from spreading. Residual contaminants, however, can get into your HVAC system. This may lead to the spread of an airborne virus throughout a home or business property, according to the ACCA.

Should your indoor air become contaminated with a virus,there are a few options to consider such as higher rated filters, electronic air cleaners as well as UV sterilization systems.

At a minimum, you should have your HVAC system checked twice a year. Your technician will be able to advise you on the best options for reducing pollutants in your system. Quality maintenance is just one way to help improve your indoor air environment. Keeping good hygience habits and keeping a clean house are others.

Children and adults with respiratory issues need good, clean indoor air to not make their situation worse. Let us help you craft a HVAC strategy to support a high quality of indoor air.