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Beyond Comfort

When we consider keeping our home comfy this season we, for the most part, think about our heating system. But is it as simple as that? Here are a few things that can support your HVAC system to help ensure your home is more than just comfortable- it’s optimal. Programmable Thermostats Upgrading your thermostats to … Read more

Monitoring Your Indoor Air Quality

Have you stopped to consider that the quality of air inside your home might be worse than it is outside in New Jersey?  Spending more time indoors during the winter can intensify the effects of bad indoor air quality.  The health of your family is dramatically impacted because they breathe that poor quality air for … Read more

What is an Electronic Air Cleaner and Why Do I Need One?

To reduce the amount of airborne contaminants in a home, such as dust, dander, bacteria and mold, many homeowners use an electronic air cleaner. These cleaners, also known as electronic air purifiers or ionizers, use electrically charged filter to attract, then trap these particulates. Electronic air cleaners can be installed in your central HVAC system … Read more

How Do You Know When Your Furnace Ignitor is Bad?

There are a few components in your heating system that are easy to replace and are not too difficult to master.  Changing out furnace filters in spring and fall is one of them.  When it comes to furnace ignitors, however, this fairly dangerous and complicated bit of machinery is not a do it yourself project.  … Read more

Home Energy Expenses

Did you know that about 48% of all residential energy use is for the heating and cooling systems in your home?  These Department of Energy figures indicate that improving heating efficiency will help hold down utility costs during cold weather in New Jersey. Additionally, upgrading to an Energy Star certified furnace can save approximately $94 … Read more

Time for Pre-Season Furnace Maintenance

Time for Pre-Season Furnace Maintenance When September rolls around you know fall and cooler weather are just around the corner.  That means it is time for a furnace tune up. You can beat the rush on that first cold day by having us check out your furnace before you need to turn it on.  We … Read more

Why is My Air Conditioner Condenser Freezing Up?

Running an air conditioner with frozen coils can result in significant damage to the unit.  Compressor damage, blower damage or even damage to your property can result from running your a/c in frozen condition. The blower fan will work too hard to pull air through the iced up coil and cause overheating. Meanwhile, the compressor … Read more

What Does an Air Conditioning Service Include?

Here in New Jersey, one day it can be 40 degrees and rainy and the next day it can get into the 80s and 90s.  Because of our wide temperature ranges in the spring and early summer, we recommend that you have your air conditioning system inspected and serviced once before air conditioning season. Our … Read more

How Much Does It Cost to Install Air Conditioning?

Depending on the size of your home or business building, air conditioning can be installed for as little as $750 all the way up to tens of thousands of dollars for big commercial jobs.  This will also depend on the equipment and type of installation you choose. Starting with the basics, there are systems which … Read more

Spring Air Conditioning Tune Up

Winters can be long and hard on your outdoor air conditioning units.  When you call us for an air conditioning tune up in the spring, we follow our standard procedures for making sure your system will work perfectly the first time you turn it on. We begin by examining the connections between your unit and … Read more